
#66 | German Cannabis Activist & Entrepreneur Nyke

We welcome German cannabis activist and entrepreneur Nyke in an episode full of positive cannabis news. We discuss the averted tourist ban for Amsterdam coffeeshops, the trip German members of parliament made to Canada and the US to study legalization and the historic cannabis announcement of US president Joe Biden on October 6. We even have good news from Belgium, where hemp is cleaning PFAS polluted soil and promising news from the Czech republic, South Africa and Colombia. A truly international episode in which Nyke tells us about her love for the plant and for the Netherlands, her game Green Deal and her future plans. In the history segment, Derrick reads a short story about the day that Nasreddin Hodja tried hashish for the first time. And we have some pro tips for outdoor growers in the High Tea Potcast Kweekhoekje… 

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